All Members, Winter Residents, Family and Friends,
Greetings on this last Friday of June, which means that tomorrow is the last Saturday of June which means it is time for the monthly Trinity’s Men’s Breakfast. We will be meeting once again as Oscar’s Family Restaurant 1979 Placid Lakes Blvd, Lake Placid, FL at 8:00AM Saturday 6/24/2023, tomorrow morning. Invite a friend to come and join you for breakfast!
A great deal of work got done around here this week. All the lights in the sanctuary have been switched to LED bulbs. The sanctuary carpeting and the hall carpeting have been cleaned by Stanley Steamer. All the chairs are back in place (Thank you Steve Bradshaw). And finally all the grass has been cut. So the place is looking good for you arrival on Sunday morning!
Speaking of Sunday morning Adult Bible Discuss class has been suspended until further notice. We will probably resume toward the end of August or beginning of September. Once again there will be NO Adult Bible Discussion class Sunday morning.
This Sunday Pastor and Susan will be attending the “Induction” of Vicar Deon Hull at Peace Lutheran Church, Okeechobee. Rev. Bill Roberts be preaching, and Pastor Roberts and Elder Mike Bardon will be leading you in worship this Sunday.
Starting this next week Rev. James Olckers will be rejoining our staff as Assistant Pastor as his responsibilities of Pulpit Supply Pastor for Peace Lutheran, Okeechobee will be over Sunday following Vicar Hull’s induction. He will be sharing preaching and worship responsibilities with Pastor Norris and Elder Bardon. It is perfect timing with Pastor and Susan’s Vacation and Pastor’s forthcoming surgery on July 25th and recovery, Pastor Olckers will be getting a lot of pulpit time in the next several months. Make sure to welcome Pastor back to Trinity when you see him!
Things are starting to wrap up for our new pictorial and address directory. There are still some regular members who have not had their pictures taken and time is running out. If you want to be included speak with Mike Bardon who has been taking the pictures soon, like this week, to be sure you are included!
That is all I have for this final Friday of June. Have a great weekend and make it great for someone else as well!
Respectfully In Christ,
Rev. Richard A. Norris
Trinity Lutheran Church
25 Lakeview Street
Lake Placid, Florida 33852
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