All Members, Winter Residents, Family and Friends,
Greetings on this Monday afternoon! Well so far we are outide the “cone of uncertainty” for hurricane Idalia. However we should all be watching what is going on and use this opportunity as a dry run for the possibility of future storms. I have attached a preparedness check list you may want to print out and review. Just be vigilant for youself and your friends who may not be able to take care of themselves. We pray that this storm that as it approaches the Big Bend area is a minor storm with minimal damage.
Unfortunately a rumor is going around the church family that is blantantly false. It is NOT TRUE! Our office manager Carmen did have to take a few days off recently when her mother was in the hospital. Carmen’s mother was released from the hospital and is doing well. She is alive! I thank God that no one came in to offer condolences to Carmen before I was able to get to her and tell her about this gossip/rumor spreading around the church. Please, before you say anything to anyone else about anything that you may have heard from someone else, please check with reputable sources. Please if you have told anyone of “passing” of Carmen’s mother, please correct this falsehood. Thank you for your cooperation in these issues.
Sometimes a search is just a search. Last week I asked if anyone knew anyone who might be interest in playing either the organ or the piano for church on a regular basis. We are looking to the future in so far as Susan and I will be retiring in some form or shape in the future. Suson would be willing to give this Organist/Pianist position so the church has a period of adjustment and to realize the cost of such an individual. Trying to find such an individual is very challenging today throughout the church. There simply are not many students majoring in Organ or Piano performance anymore in college studies. Susan is not quiting or being fired, we are simply starting a search for somone who may desire this opportunity to serve the Lord by playing each Sunday here at Trinity.
Please remember to get your articles for the September Newsletter into to Carmen by Wednesday as the latest.
We are restarting our Sunday morning Adult Bible Study 8:30AM Sunday morning. We will be studying the book of Job, I attached the study guide for Sunday once again in case you missed it last week.
Pastor Olckers is on a trip to Canada to visit his daughter. He will be back in town a week from today.
Please keep me, Pastor Norris in your prayers as I seek medical clearance for my rescheduled surgery on September 20th, for the replacement of my hip. I normally do not ask for prayers of myself, but the pain in area my knee that was replaced last summer is getting worse and I pray that this hip replacement will help the knee area as well.
If I hear any more news about a change of direction of the storm I will send out another informational email to keep you updated especially our Winter Residents who have homes here in this area.
Respectfully In Christ,
Rev. Richard A. Norris
Trinity Lutheran Church
25 Lakeview Street
Lake Placid, Florida 33852
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