All Members, Winter Residents, Family and Friends,

          Greetings on this 9/11/2023, the 22nd Anniversary of the tragic and senseless terrorist attacks against America.  I do not want to drag this on, I just want to share with you a prayer for this Day of Remembrance. 

“Help us never to forget the memory of those lost to the events of 9/11. Lord, they did not die in vain, and we pray with genuine and sincere hearts that their legacies would go on to endure. We think of the courageous souls of Flight 93, who fought back towards the hijackers to spare more lives, giving the ultimate sacrifice in doing so. Lord, we pray for the memories of those who lost their lives to rescue, help, and save others, such as the firefighters, the police, and the civilians who offered a hand. May their bravery be remembered and not just a footnote in history books. And Lord, we pray for the innocent victims who were killed that heartbreaking day. We thank You for each and every single one of their lives. We thank You for the mark they left on this earth, and we celebrate the impact they had on us as friends, family, and neighbors. Even if we did not know them personally, they mattered to the story of our world, and we thank You for them. Help us not to lose sight with time of these souls; help us become ever mindful that they were made in Your image and that their lives held such great value. Help their stories to be told again and again, and may we feel pushed to share them with those who were not even alive on September 11, 2001, so that they too may come to admire and respect the fallen. We sincerely ask that the memories of those who have passed on would not be erased from this age. Amen.”  From

I am saddened to inform those of you who remember Mrs. Jan Ruff, widow of Rev. Paul Ruff, and former member here at Trinity Lutheran, passed away last evening.  She had been staying with her some Mark, (I do not have his address) and had recently entered into hospice care.  I expressed our condolences to Mark this morning when he called to inform me of her passing.  I have no details of any services as of the writing of this email. 

Ladies, please do not forget the Ladies Guild Luncheon to kick off the new year tomorrow Tuesday September 12th, 2023 at NOON in the Trinity Life Center!

I will be sending out my sermon later this week. 

Have a great remainder of your day! 

Rev. Richard A. Norris

Trinity Lutheran Church

25 Lakeview Street

Lake Placid, Florida 33852

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