All Members, Winter Residents, Family and Friends,

          Greetings on this Tuesday afternoon!  I said yesterday that I would send out my sermon later this week.  Well I am sending it today.  Attached please find my sermon for Sunday.  If you will noticed I stayed with the Gospel this week and we are looking at Forgivness.  Forgivenss is something that seems so simple to receive, but so very difficult it is to give.  We need to change our focus to see where true forgiveness originates.  And that is what we will be focusing on Sunday in my sermon. 

          Just a quick reminder that Susan will be sending in the “Cookie Dough and Other Things” on the 14th.  So give her a call if you forgot to order anything, now!

          I have also attached a copy of this coming weeks study on Job for those who might want to join us and were not there last Sunday when I handed these out to everyone who attended.   

Rev. Richard A. Norris

Trinity Lutheran Church

25 Lakeview Street

Lake Placid, Florida 33852

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