All Members, Winter Residents, Family and Friends,

            Greetings on this Monday afternoon almost half-way through February already!  Wow!  What a Super Bowl game last night!  A game that was certainly played well by both teams.  First time I can remember in many years the first 60 minutes of the game ended in a tie.  But in the end Kansas City prevailed with a touchdown in overtime.  A very good game and both teams were well manned and well coached.  Good game!

            The accreditation team is here on campus today reviewing and looking at our overall program here at Trinity Tots.  This is the third time that we have saught national accreditation through the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.  We are thankful for the team and their ability to leave their schools and come and offer suggestions and help us strive to gain this recognition once again.

            The Ladies will be meeting Tuesday at 1:00PM in the Trinity Life Center to prepare for the L.W.M.L. Rally later this month.   

            Please remember that Ash Wednesday is this Wednesday, February 14th, 2024.  Our service on Ash Wednesday and throughout Lent will be at 4:00PM followed by a free Soup and Sandwich supper.  Come and worship, stay and eat a meal with all of us!  This year we have a great series call “Christ On Trial”.  Pastor Olckers and I will be sharing responsibilities as well as some special witnesses each week.  So the congregation will be the jury and your attendance is critical to the outcome of the trial.  See you Wednesday at 4:00PM.

            I have attached my sermon for next Sunday.  I have also attached the third study in the series of Joshua for Sunday morning Bible Studies.   

Rev. Richard A. Norris

Trinity Lutheran Church

25 Lakeview Street

Lake Placid, Florida 33852


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