All Members, Winter Residents, Family and Friends,

            Greetings on this Easter Monday!  What a Lenten Season we had here at Trinity Lutheran Church!  What a Holy Week we had here at Trinity Lutheran Church!  What an Easter we had here at Trinity Lutheran Church!  Thank you for being so faithful during this Lenten/Holy Week/ Easter Season!  We have never used a Sermon Series like “Christ On Trial” all the way through Easter.  The message and the insights offered through the various witnesses brought before the jury were truly inspiring and outstanding.  Thank you to all our special characters who came forward to participate.  This has certainly been the best overall season we have had since before the pandemic. 

            Steps of Faith folders can be turned in now at any time.  We hope to have this wrapped up in the next two weeks. 


            Sunday morning Bible study has been suspended for the time being.  I will let you know when we are going to start up again. 

            There will be a special congregational meeting after church on April 21st, 2024 for the election of officers.


            The workday for Saturday Aprial 6th, 2024 has been cancelled and will be rescheduled soon. 

            We will be getting the April Newsletter out sometime this week.  So if you have any articles please submit them to Carmen by Wednesday!  We have been a bit busy with services and other events this past two weeks. 

            I have attached this coming Sunday’s sermon for your review. 

            Have a fantastic week and make it fantastic for someone else. 

Rev. Richard A. Norris

Trinity Lutheran Church

25 Lakeview Street

Lake Placid, Florida 33852


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